2022 – 2023

Faculty Senate propositions for the 2022-2023 cycle.
Proposition Description
01-22/23  Proposal to Reorganize and Relocate Borderlands and Ethnic Studies (BEST)
02-22/23 A Resolution to Authorize the Chair of Faculty Senate to Send a Letter to Legislators and the Governor on Behalf of the NMSU Faculty Senate
03-22/23 A Memorial Expressing Faculty Senate Support for Tuition Remission and Health Insurance for NMSU Graduate Workers
04-22/23 Proposed Policy on Academic Freedom
05-22/23 A Resolution to Initiate a Call for NMSU Administration to Investigate and Collect meaningful Data on Specific, Chronic Faculty Workload Inequities
06-22/23 A Resolution to Express Support for Reporting Victimization
07-22/23 Revised ARP 11.01 Part 1: Research Funding and Research Institutes and Centers
08-22/23 A Resolution to Send a Letter of Concern to NMSU Leadership Regarding the Contract Renewal of the NMSU Athletic Director and the Lack of Adherence to the University's Mission, Vision, and Values 