02-22/23: A Resolution to Authorize the Chair of Faculty Senate to Send a Letter to Legislators and the Governor on Behalf of the NMSU Faculty Senate


02-2223 A Resolution to Authorize the Chair of Faculty Senate to Send a Letter to Legislators and the Governor on Behalf of the NMSU Faculty Senate_amended 10-6-22

Introduced Committee Assignment Committee Recommendation Senate Final Vote

Oct. 6, 2023  (SLC)


Emergency Legislation N/A

Oct. 6, 2022

Approved by Senate as amended. 

Sponsors: Bronstein (A&S), Erickson (BUS), Irvin (Library), Buenemann (A&S), Chaitanya (ENG), Price (DACC)

Routing: 10/17/22 - To administration for review and acknowledgement 

Final Action11/4/2022 - Reviewed and acknowledged by Administration  

History02-2223 A Resolution to Authorize the Chair of Faculty Senate to Send a Letter to Legislators and the Governor on Behalf of the NMSU Faculty Senate