02-21/22: Revision to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate of New Mexico State University to account for the creation of the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation

02-2122 Revision to the Constitution of the FS of NMSU to account for the creation of the College of HEST

Introduced Committee Assignment Committee Recommendation Senate Final Vote

Sept. 30, 2021  (SLC)

Oct. 7, 2021  (FS)

Consent Agenda N/A October 7, 2021


Approved by Senate on Consent


Sponsors: M. Mapp (A&S), S. Stochaj (ENG), M. Burkardt (NTT), F. Boutsen (EDU), J. Tomaka (HSS), L. Olivas (NTT), S. Noe (HSS)

Routing12/6/21 – To Administration for review and acknowledgement

Final Action12/17/21 – Reviewed and approved by Administration
