
Propositions prior to 2020 are currently archived on Inside NMSU. Please note you must be on campus, logged into AGGIE ACCESS or connected via VPN to view archived propositions.

Faculty Senate propositions for the 2018-2019 cycle.
Proposition Description
01-18/19 A Memorial in Appreciation of the services of Dr. Chris Brown and Dr. Rolfe Sassenfeld to the NMSU Faculty Senate as Chair and Vice Chair in 2016/17 and 2017/18
02-18/19 Change to ARP and/or Catalog to Deal with State Mandate to Change Education (GE) Requirements
03-18/19 Proposition to update ARP 2.55: NMSU Recognition of Affiliated Individuals-Affiliated Faculty
04-18/19 New Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music: Department of Music on Las Cruces Campus
05-18/19 Proposition for adding a new BS in Cybersecurity program
06-18/19 A Memorial requesting the NMSU Board of Regents video or audio record BOR subcommittee meetings
07-18/19 Memorial - Request Changes to Formalize Faculty Grievance Review Board (FGRB)
08-18/19 NMSU's Recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day on the second Monday of October
09-18/19 Small Class Justification/Course Cancellation
10-18/19 Proposition for a new Associate of Applied Science in Computer Science degree at NMSU-A
11-18/19 New Master's Degree in Information Technology
12-18/19 Memorial in Support of NM State Senate Joint Resolutions 5,6,7: Reforming Boards of Regents in NM
13-18/19 Revision of ARP 10.60 (New Title: Review of Faculty Grievances)
14-18/19 A Memorial to remove the Pistol Pete bench statue outside the west entrance to Corbett Student Center Student Union
15-18/19 Proposal to Change the NMSU Grading System by Removing Point Value from Plus/Minus Grades
16-18/19 A Proposal to change the current NMSU course evaluation to remove the collection of all quantitative, letter, and numerical items from student course evaluations
17-18/19 A Memorial in Honor of Eliot Orton
18-18/19 Request for Action to Chancellor Arvizu Concerning Problems with ERB's Handling of Beneficiaries
19-18/19 Borderlands and Ethnic Studies Graduate Certificate
20-18/19 A Proposal to Revise the Faculty Senate Bylaws
21-18/19 Memorial requesting University Student Records Office to change terms of NMSU Catalog
22-18/19 Memorial requesting that NMSU's Central Administration develop and fund a program for Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowships
23-18/19 Allowing Senate discussion during "Motion to Table"
24-18/19 Proposal to Amend Administrative Rules & Procedures (ARP) Appendix Chart 4.81-B, Community College Curricular Approval Process for New Programs and/or Curriculum Changes
25-18/19 A Memorial in Honor of Mark Medoff