
Propositions prior to 2020 are currently archived on Inside NMSU. Please note you must be on campus, logged into AGGIE ACCESS or connected via VPN to view archived propositions.

Faculty Senate propositions for the 2013-2014 cycle.
Proposition Description
01-13/14 Request to Change Major Name
02-13/14 A Proposition to Ammend the Undergraduate Catalog Concerning Satisfactory Performance
03-13/14 A Memorial in Support of Resolving the Impending Financial Insolvency of the New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship
04-13/14 A Proposition to change the timeline for the Administrative Review of Academic Administrators from every five years to every three years
05-13/14 Modification of the Late Registration Period
06-13/14 Departmental Name Change for EMD
07-13/14 A proposition to change section 5.90.4 of the NMSU Policy Manual, Criteria for
Promotion and Tenure
08-13/14 A proposition to change section of the NMSU Policy Manual, Leadership
09-13/14 A Proposal to Change Department Name from the “Department of Chemical Engineering”
(CHE) to the “Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering” (CHME)
10-13/14 A Memorial In Support of Creating a Mechanism for Long-Term Sustainability of the Library's Base Materials Budget
11-13/14 Changes in Undergraduate Admissions Requirements
12-13/14 Proposition to Clarify and Enhance Section 4.05.50 of the NMSU
Policy Manual Regarding the Faculty Grievance Review Board
13-13/14 A proposition to change sections 5.90.4, and of the NMSU Policy Manual clarifying criteria for promotion and tenure and descriptions of service and leadership
14-13/14 A Memorial Approving the Formation of a Joint Doctorate of Philosphy with a Specialization in Civil Engineering between NMSU and the University Autonomous of Chihuahua (UACH)