
Propositions prior to 2020 are currently archived on Inside NMSU. Please note you must be on campus, logged into AGGIE ACCESS or connected via VPN to view archived propositions.

Faculty Senate Propositions for the 2010-2011 cycle, along with the senate decision.
Proposition Description Faculty Senate Action
Prop 01-10/11 Memorial Calling NMSU to Stop Funding Athletics with I&G Funds Approved
Prop 01-10/11 Att1 Budget
Prop 01-10/11 Att2 Summary of Funds
Prop 01-10/11 Att3 Payback
Prop 01-10/11 Att4 Summary of Budgets
Prop 01-10/11 Att5 Email
Prop 02-10/11 Replace Policy 5.15.50 Appointments – Postdoctoral Approved
Prop 02-10/11 Att Policy
Prop 03-10/11 Regent nominee selection process Approved
Prop 03-10/11 Att Process
Prop 04-10/11 Change Name to HNDS Major Approved
Prop 05-10/11 Revisions to FS Constitution
Prop 06-10/11 Amendment FS Bylaws
Prop 07-10/11 Amend PM Re FS Shared Governance
Prop 08-10/11 New Office of Sustainability
Prop 08-10/11 Att Summary
Prop 09-10/11 Policy Change Proposed by NMERB
Prop 10-10/11 Amend VWW Reinstate Two Colleges
Prop 11-10/11 Ext Transcript Eval for Foriegn Students Prior App
Prop 12-10/11 Change NMSU Grading System to Plus/Minus
Prop 13-10/11 Faculty Grievance Policy Revisions
Prop 14-10/11 Graduate Course Re-takes and Computation of GPA
Prop 15-10/11 Departmental Name Change